本文主要介绍基于单片机系统的智能家居远程控制系统。其采用计算机网络技术、无线数据传输技术,能够自动采集家居相关数据信息及调控(如温度、湿度、火焰、烟雾、关联家用电器等),主要由控制器模块、电源模块、显示模块、各种传感器模块、GSM无线通信模块、Wi Fi网络模块搭建而成,各模块由各自子控制中心完成对数据信息的处理,将与家居生活有关的各个子系统如安防报警、灯光控制、煤气报警、信息家电、场景联动等有机地融合在一起,应用Wi Fi通讯网络,对家居进行网络化综合管理和智能化远程控制,实现互联互通。
This article mainly introduces the intelligent home remote control system based on SCM system. By the use of computer network technology and wireless data transmission technology, the system can automatically collect relevant information and data Home Furnishing regulation (such as temperature, humidity, fire, smoke, household appliances and other related), which is mainly composed of a controller module, power module, display module, sensor module, GSM wireless communication module and WiFi network module. Each module is controlled by the respective sub center to complete the processing of data information, such as the sub security alarm, lighting control, gas alarm, information appliances, etc. The system links together the aboved system functions associated with the Home Furnishing life, and the application of WiFi communication network realizes network management and intelligent remote control of Home Furnishing, as well as the interconnection.
Intelligent Computer and Applications