
多元正义:介于全球化与文化多元主义之间——戴维·米勒的正义困境与理论辩护 被引量:2

Pluralistic Justice between Globalization and Cultural Pluralism:Miller's Dilemma of Justice and Theoretical Justification
摘要 戴维·米勒根据人类关系模式提出了多元社会正义理论,但遭到了全球化理论和文化多元主义的双重挑战。全球化理论认为经济效率与社会正义之间不相容,文化多元主义则认为社群文化与正义共识之间相冲突,故他们一致否认社会正义的可能性。针对挑战,米勒作出理论辩护。一方面,他证明社会正义与全球化在经济效率上是相容的,多元文化与社会正义在理论共识上是可能的;另一方面,他又试图为社会正义确立一种稳固的根基即民族性原则。然而,由于米勒过于夸大民族原则的重要性,导致自我辩护的过程中出现对待多元论的立场不够中立、正义理论太过狭隘等问题,所以他的回应是不够充分的。 David Miller put forward the theory of multiple social justice based on the modes of human relations, but it is challenged by the theories of globalization and cultural pluralism. The former holds that economic efficiency and social justice are incompatible with each other. The latter holds that the culture of communities is in conflict with the consensus on justice. Miller defended against the challenges above. On the one hand, he proved that social justice and globalization are consistent in economic efficiency, and the consensus between muhicuhuralism and social justice is possible; on the other hand, he tried to establish a solid foundation, the principle of nationality for social justice. However, Miller exaggerated the importance of ethnic principle, which leads to the partial position towards pluralism, the limits of justice theory, and other issues in the process of self-defense, so Miller's responses are not sell-evident.
作者 吴楼平
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第6期41-46,共6页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(12BKS009)
关键词 戴维·米勒 民族性原则 多元社会正义 全球化理论 文化多元主义 David Miller Principle of Nationality plural justice theories of globalization Cultural Pluralism
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