
分巴割蜀 以成犍广——汉武帝开西南夷,置犍为郡的再检讨

Segmentation of Bashu Kingdom for the Establishment of Qianwei and Guanghan Prefectures——Re-analysis on Emperor Wudi's Policy on Opening up the Southwest Barbarian Areas and Setting up the Qianwei Prefecture
摘要 犍为郡的设置是汉武帝开拓西南夷的标志,其设立与调整,贯穿经略西南的全过程。其间大致经历六个阶段:唐蒙上书请通夜郎;唐蒙出使夜郎;唐蒙为都尉,治南夷道;司马相如通西夷;公孙弘请罢西夷;司马迁奉命出使西南夷。武帝开南中,以通路置郡为首要任务,具体实施过程中诸多人物、事件纵横交织,各个环节错综复杂。凿山开道艰辛漫长,置郡设县几经反复。如果上溯到高后六年"城僰道,开青衣",则汉朝四代君臣前后相继,付出了70余年的不懈努力,才在西南夷地区初步实现了郡县化。 The establishment of Qianwei Prefecture is a symbol of Emperor Wudi(156 B.C.-87 B.C.)' s opening up the southwest barbarian areas. The establishment and the adjustment of Qianwei Prefecture means the whole process of the controlling and management of the southwest areas, which can be generally divided into six stages:l. Tang Meng submitted a memorial to the throne to open up Yelang areas; 2.Tang Meng served as an envoy of Emperor Wudi into Yelang areas; 3.Tang Meng was appointed as commandant in charge of the southern prefectures; 4.Sima Xiangru opened up the west barbarian areas; 5.Gongsun Hong(200 B.C.-121 B.C.)submitted a memorial to the throne to abolish the prefecture of the southwest barbarian areas; 6.Sima Qian was sent by Emperor Wudi to serve as an envoy of Emperor Wudi into Yelang areas.The major aim of Emperor Wudi' s opening up the southern prefectures was to construct roads and set up prefectures. The whole process was very complex because of the numerous historical figures and mingling historical events.It was painful and time-consuming to build up the roads among the mountains, and it was repeated to establish prefectures and counties in the southwest barbarian areas. Since the sixth year of the reign of Empress Luzhi(241 B.C. -180 B.C., the empress of Emperor Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty),four successive emperors and their officials succeeded in the policy "build up towns as military passes along the Bo Road and open up Qingyi River Basin" , and took over seventy years of unremitting effort to build up the system of governing the southwest barbarian areas under prefectures and counties.
作者 傅奠基
机构地区 昭通学院农学院
出处 《昭通学院学报》 2017年第4期21-27,36,共8页 Journal of Zhaotong University
关键词 西南夷 犍为郡 唐蒙 夜郎 南夷道 the southwest barbarian areas Qianwei Prefecture Tang Meng Yelang areas the southern barbarian prefectures
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