

Postracial Narrative in Ted Chiang's Science Fictions
摘要 华裔美国科幻作家特德·蒋自1990年开始发表科幻小说,获得雨果奖、星云奖、轨迹奖等科幻大奖,堪称华裔美国科幻小说第一人。神话、外星人、超体等主题元素的运用使其作品呈现出后族裔科幻美学特质。"成为后人类"作为叙事策略,既形成了对族裔性的超越,又流露了跨时空的族裔忧伤。后人类身体和精神的双重建构为族裔的忧伤提供了转化和弥合的可能性。在"成为他者"的后人类哲学范式下探索后族裔叙事是当今科技文化背景下族裔科幻小说研究的重要发展方向。 Science fictions (SF) written by Ted Chiang since the 1990s have won almost all the SF laurels, including the HugoAward, the Nebula Award and the Locus Award, which have built Ted Chiang a high reputation in Asian American science fic-tions. Themes including mythology, aliens and enhanced humans cast his works with post - racial SF aesthetics. As a result, “becoming posthuman” has become a narrative strategy frequently applied to SF writing to transcend racial experience and mean-while demonstrating transchronotopic racial melancholy. The dual construction of body and soul provides possibility of alteration for the postracial structure. In accord to the “ becoming - other” paradigm, ( post) racial narrative in present technoculture proves to be an essential orientation for contemporary literature with the representation and imagination of ethnicity and race.
作者 张娜
出处 《集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第3期78-84,共7页 Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
关键词 科幻小说 后殖民主义 后人文主义 science fiction postcolonialism posthumanism Ted Chiang
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