该文是一篇近九个月的超级电容器文献评述,我们以"supercapacitor"为关键词检索了Web of Science从2016年10月1日至2017年6月30日上线的超级电容器研究论文,共有1811篇,选取了其中100篇加以评论。双电层超级电容器主要研究了新型多孔碳材料、石墨烯等材料可控制备对其性能的影响。赝电容超级电容器的研究主要集中在金属氧化物复合材料、导电聚合物复合材料、杂质原子掺杂碳材料和新型赝电容材料等4个方面。混合型超级电容器包括水系混合型超级电容器和有机系混合型超级电容器两个方面的研究。
This nine months review paper highlights 100 recent published papers on supercapacitors. We searched the Web of Science and found 1811 papers online from October 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. 100 of them were selected to be highlighted. The researches of electrical double-layer capacitor (EDLC) are mainly focused on new carbon material designed preparation, such as porous carbon materials, graphene, and their effect on supercapacitor performance. The published papers of pseudocapacitor include four aspects, such as metal oxide composites, conductive polymer composite, heteroatom doping carbon materials and new type of pseudocapactive materials. Hybrid supercapacitor includes aqueous hybrid supercapacitor and organic hybrid supercapacitor.
Energy Storage Science and Technology