梳理基于事件相关电位技术(ERP)和功能磁共振成像技术(f MRI)的国内外相关研究成果,从正反理据综述了语言能力发展的年龄效应。就已有的研究来看,二语习得的关键期假说还没有得到充分支持,没有绝对权威的研究结果证实早期和晚期学习者使用二语时产生的脑电活动或激活的大脑区域相同或相异。二语习得的初始年龄可能在一定程度上影响语言能力的发展,但对学习者二语最终成就的解释力较为有限。从语言水平高低、学习时长、二语输入量、语言迁移和语言环境等因素来探究学习者的二语/外语能力发展,或许是更为全面、更为合理的诠释视角。
Based on related research on event -related potentials (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) home and abroad, the thesis reviews the age effect of language competence development from perspectives of positive and negative evidence. Viewed from previous studies, it can be concluded that the critical period hypothesis of second language acquisition has not been supported fully and there is no decisive answer to whether the brain activity or activated area of early and late learners is the same or different in their second language use. The onset age of second language acquisition may affect the development of language proficiency to some extent, but its explanatory power for the ultimate achievement of learners~ second language achievement is rather limited. Such influencing factors as language level, acquisition time, second language input, language transfer and language environment may provide more comprehensive and reasonable interpreta- tions on the development of learners second or foreign language competence development.
Journal of Henan University of Technology:Social Science Edition