

Status Quo of Philanthropic Idea and Philanthropic Behavior of Private Sports Enterprises in Wenzhou
摘要 随着中国民营企业的不断发展壮大,民营企业的社会责任问题引起社会的广泛关注,要求企业"反哺社会"、"回馈社会"的呼声也日益高涨。因而,研究这一问题不仅非常必要,而且也具有重大的理论和实践意义。通过对温州民营体育企业慈善意识和慈善行为的实证调查,并以浙江天龙集团有限公司为个案,发现温州民营体育企业慈善捐赠虽然取得了一定实绩,但其背后也隐藏着许多不利的影响因素,比如企业捐赠自主性不强、自愿性不够,慈善理念较为朴素,缺少战略性慈善理念,缺乏良好的外部环境等,并针对现状提出相应对策。 In recent years,the issue of corporate social responsibility has attracted wide attention across the world. In the context of increasing corporate s trength, the calling for regurgitation -feeding society”or“back -feeding society”is on the rise, which has attracted the attention of more and more scholars. So it is necessary to study the issue, which is significant theoretically as well as practically. By empirical investigations into the private sports enterprises/ philan-thropic idea and philanthropic behavior,and taking Zhejiang Teloon Group Co,Ltd as an example, we found that the private enterprises have made great achievements in their charity work, the effect of which is undermined by such fac-tors as:the enterprises enjoy little autono-my when making philanthropic contributions. The notion of charity is too simple. The charity work is seldomconsidered at a strategic level. And the enterprises are short of a good environment for making their charity en-deavors. The only way to get rid of these negative factors lies in the exploration of the ap-proaches to improving the charity cause of the enterprises based on the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and the charitable organizations. The countermeasure has also been discussed.
作者 吴宝升
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2017年第5期50-54,共5页 Zhejiang Sport Science
关键词 温州 民营体育企业 慈善理念 慈善行为 Wenzhou private sports enterprise philanthropic behavior philanthropic idea
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