5See SARAH CANNON & LAWRENCE H. SUMMERS, HOW UBER AND THE SHARING ECONOMY CAN WIN OVER REGULATORS, at http ://blogs. hbr. org/2014/10/how uber andthe sharing economy can win over regulators ( Last visited on Oct. 13, 2014).
6See RACHEL BOTSMAN, THE SHARING ECONOMY LACKS A SHARED DEFINITION, at http://www, fastcoexist, com/3022028/the sharing economy lacks ashared definition (Last visited on Nov. 21, 2013).
7ANDREW LEONARD, "SHARING ECONOMY" SHAMS: DECEPTION AT THE CORE OF THE INTERNET' S HOTTEST BUSINESSES, at http://www, salon, com/2014/03/14/sharing economy shams deception at the core of the internets hottest businesses (Last visited on Mar. 14, 2014).
8See Steven C. Hackett, Heterogeneities, Information, and Conflict Resolution: Experimental Evidence on Sharing Contracts, 6 J. THEORETICAL POL. 495, 495 - 97 (1994).
9See Amy Kristin Sanders & Natalie Christine Olsen, Re-Defining Defamation : Psychological Sense of Community in the Age of the Internet, 17 COMM. L. & POL'Y,355 ,356 - 365 (2012).
10See David Schleicher, The City as a Law and Economic Subject, 2010 U. ILL. L. REV. 1507~, 1558 (2010).