目的:评价595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗儿童寻常疣的临床疗效及安全性。方法:将84例患儿分为两组,治疗组(42例)采用595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗,对照组(42例)采用液氮冷冻治疗,每隔2周治疗1次,最多6次。结果:治疗组痊愈率和有效率分别为71.4%和90.5%,高于对照组的40.0%和73.8%,治疗组和对照组平均治愈次数分别是(2.35±0.98)和(3.43±1.21)次,治疗组不良反应发生率(16.7%)明显低于对照组(81.0%),差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗儿童寻常疣临床疗效显著优于液氮冷冻。
Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of 595 nm pulsed dye laser for the treatment of verruca vulgaris in children. [WT5"HZ]Methods: Eighty-four patients with verruca vulgaris were divided into the treatment group( 42 cases) and the control group( 42 cases). The patients in the treatment group were treated with 595 nm pulsed dye laser and those in the control group were treated with liquid nitrogen cryotherapy,once every two weeks. The treatments were no more than 6 times.Results: The cure rate and effective rate in the treatment group were 71.4% and 90.5%,which were higher than those in the control group( 40.0% and73.8%),with significant differences( P0.05). The average time of the treatment and adverse reaction rate in the treatment group were 2.35±0.98 and 16.7%,which were lower than those in the control group( 3.43±1.21 and 81.0%),with significant differences( P0.05). Conclusion: The efficacy of 595 nm pulsed dye laser in the treatment of verruca vulgaris in children is more effective than liquid nitrogen cryotherapy.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
595 nm pulsed dye laser
liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
verruca vulgaris