

Stimulated emission and laser behaviors of NdNd^(3+)/Yb^(3+)Co-doped phosphate glass fiber
摘要 以970 nm和808 nm半导体激光器作为抽运源,从光纤长度和抽运功率两个方面,探讨了Nd^(3+)/Yb^(3+)摩尔浓度比约为4:1的共掺磷酸盐玻璃光纤的发光与激光特性.在970 nm抽运下,光纤光谱以Yb^(3+)离子的发光为主,但Yb^(3+)→Nd^(3+)能量传递会对光纤光谱(激光和受激放大自发辐射)产生调制作用,调制作用随970 nm抽运功率或光纤长度的增加而显著,甚至出现显著的双波长激光现象.尽管玻璃样品中Nd^(3+)→Yb^(3+)的能量传递效率ηNd→Yb高达64%,但在808 nm抽运下,激光峰始终在1053 nm附近产生,且与808 nm抽运功率大小和光纤长度无关.为解释这一现象,推导了考虑Nd^(3+)离子受激辐射的能量传递模型.从理论模型来看,Nd^(3+)→Yb^(3+)能量传递作用随Nd^(3+)离子受激辐射信号光强度的增加而迅速减弱,这与该光纤实际测试的荧光光谱随808 nm抽运功率的变化规律相符合.因此,当采用Nd^(3+)离子来敏化Yb^(3+)离子时,需要考虑Nd^(3+)离子的受激辐射对Nd^(3+)→Yb^(3+)能量传递的抑制作用. The energy transfer phenomenon between Nd3+and Yb3+generates the research interest in Nd3+/Yb3+co-doping, because it provides a straight-forward way to combine the features of Nd3+ and Yb3+ to develop some potential appli-cations, such as solar cells, high energy pulse and tunable lasers. Substantial research work has been conducted to study the spectroscopic properties of Nd3+/Yb3+ in different glasses, crystal and ceramic host materials. However, it is still not very clear about the laser properties of the Nd3+/Yb3+ co-doping system, especially the high rare-earth solubility phosphate glass. This work reports the stimulated emission and laser properties of an Nd3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass fiber under singly 970 nm and 808 nm LD pumping. The molar doping ratio of Nd3+ : Yb3+ is 4 : 1. Using the free-space coupled method, the laser properties of the co-doped fiber under 970 nm pump are tested first in a laser cavity comprised of a butt-coupled dichroic mirror with high reflectivity (≥99.5%) and a cleaved fiber ended with~4.6%Fresnel reflectivity. It is found that with the increase of 970 nm pump power (P970) two discrete laser peaks and one peak located at 1053 nm with a larger threshold can be observed for fiber length equal to and less than 0.7 m. The 1053 nm laser is produced by Yb3+→Nd3+ energy transfer, and its lasing threshold decreases with increasing fiber length in this length region. Then, the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) spectra for fiber lengths of 0.35 m, 0.9 m and 5.0 m under 970 nm pumping are tested by cutting 6? at the output port. The test results indicate that the Yb3+ →Nd3+ energy transfer has a modulation effect on fiber spectrum, and the modulation becomes more obvious for a longer fiber length. A two-fold promotion mechanism is suggested to explain the modulation effect: 1) the reabsorption effect of Yb3+ leading to relatively lifetime prolongation increases the Yb3+ → Nd3+ energy transfer efficiency; 2) the red-shifted oscillator laser wavelength leads to a larger emission cross section difference between Nd3+ and Yb3+. Besides, the measurement results in 0.35-m-long fiber also suggest that the 1053 nm laser in fiber laser test may be due to a fiber temperature raising effect during the increase of P970. The laser properties and ASE spectra of the fiber under 808 nm pumping have been studied in the same fiber test setup. However, the tested results are quite different from the 970 nm pumping case. Only one lasing peak at 1053 nm is detected, and it is found that the peak is not dependent on the 808 nm pump power (P808) nor the fiber length. To explain this phenomenon, one energy transfer model with taking into consideration the stimulated emission of Nd3+is derived. According to this theoretical model, Nd3+→Yb3+energy transfer efficiency fast decreases with the increase of simulated emission intensity of Nd3+. This explanation is experimentally supported by a 0.05-m-long Nd3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass fiber with varying P808. Therefore, the adoption of Nd3+ to sensitize Yb3+ for developing some laser applications needs to consider the suppression effect of Nd3+ stimulated emission on Nd3+→Yb3+ energy transfer.
出处 《物理学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第16期116-125,共10页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61405215 61505232) 中国科学院青年促进会 国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2016YFB0402201)资助的课题~~
关键词 光纤激光器 磷酸盐玻璃光纤 Nd^(3+)■Yb^(3+)能量传递 fiber lasers phosphate glass fiber Nd^(3+)■Yb^(3+) energy transfer
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