目的了解2015年本溪市法定报告传染病流行特征和防治效果,为传染病的防治工作提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对法定报告传染病疫情资料进行分析。结果 2015年本溪市未报告甲类传染病,共报告乙、丙类传染病18种7 137例,发病率为416.24/10万,死亡率为0.70/10万,病死率为0.17%;报告乙类传染病13种3 040例,发病率为177.30/10万;前5位病种顺位为肺结核、梅毒、病毒性肝炎、痢疾和猩红热,共计2 809例,占乙类病例总数92.40%。报告丙类传染病5种4 097例,发病率为202.90/10万,无死亡病例。报告病种病例顺位为其他感染性腹泻、手足口病、流行性腮腺炎、风疹、流行性感冒。结论呼吸道传染病、血源及性传播传染病和肠道传染病仍然是本溪市传染病防控重点。影响该市人民群众身体健康的传染病居前5位的是:肺结核、梅毒、乙型肝火、丙型肝火和其他感染性腹泻。
[Objective] To understand the epidemiological characteristics and control effect of notifiable infectious diseases in Benxi City,provide the evidence for prevention and control of infectious diseases. [Methods] Descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze epidemic data of notifiable infectious diseases. [Results] No class A infectious diseases were reported in Benxi City in 2015. Totally 7 137 cases of 18 kinds of class B and C infectious diseases were reported,the incidence rate was 416.24/lakh,the mortality was 0.70/lakh,and the fatality rate was 0.17%. There were 3 040 cases of 13 kinds of class B infectious diseases,with the incidence rate of 177.30/lakh,and the top five diseases were tuberculosis,syphilis,viral hepatitis,dysentery and scarlet fever,accounting for 92.40%(2 809 cases)of the total cases of class B infectious diseases. There were 4 097 cases of 5 kinds of class C infectious diseases,the incidence rate was 202.90/lakh,with no death case,and the top five diseases were other infectious diarrhea,hand-foot-mouth disease,mumps,rubella and influenza. [Conclusion] Respiratory infectious diseases, bloodbrone and sexually transmitted diseases, and intestinal infectious diseases are still the focus of prevention and control of infectious diseases in Benxi City. The first five infectious diseases affecting the health of the people are tuberculosis,syphilis,hepatitis B,hepatitis C and other infectious diarrhea.
Occupation and Health
Notifiable infectious diseases
Epidemiological characteristics
Control effect
Epidemic analysis