

Study on Method and Clinical Effect of Laparoscope in Treatment of Carcinoma of Colon
摘要 目的探索腹腔镜治疗结肠癌的方式及临床效果。方法方便选取2014年2月—2016年2月期间该院收治的100例结肠癌患者,将其抽签化分组,两组各有50例,对照组和观察组分别采用常规开腹手术和腹腔镜手术,对比两组患者的总并发症发生率、手术时间、淋巴结清扫数、住院时间、下床活动时间、术中出血量、血清炎性细胞因子、胃肠道功能恢复时间。结果观察组患者的淋巴结清扫数(10.57±3.69)枚、手术时间(68.45±5.36)min、PCT(1.65±0.96)ng/m L、hs-CRP(2.51±0.42)mg/m L、TNF-α(0.17±0.31)ug/m L、术中出血量(124.69±3.41)m L、胃肠道功能恢复时间(5.98±1.47)h、下床活动时间(1.69±0.45)d、总并发症发生率(2.00%)、住院时间(8.65±1.58)d均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论腹腔镜手术在结肠癌患者中效果显著。 Objective To explore the method and clinical effect of laparoscope in treatment of carcinoma of colon. Methods Convenient selection 100 cases of patients with carcinoma of colon admitted and treated in our hospital from February 2014 to February 2016 were selected and randomly divided into two groups with 50 cases in each, the control group and the observation group respectively adopted the routine laparotomy and laparoscopic surgery, and the incidence rate of complications, operation time, lymph nodes cleaning number, length of stay, time to get out of bed, intraoperative bleeding amount,serum inflammatory factor and recovery time of gastrointestinal function were compared between the two groups. Results The lymph nodes cleaning number, operation time, PCT, hs-CRP, TNF-α, intraoperative bleeding amount, recovery time of gastrointestinal function, time to get out of bed, incidence rate of total complications and length of stay in the observation group were respectively(10.57±3.69),(68.45±5.36)min,(1.65±0.96)ng/m L,(2.51±0.42)mg/m L,(0.17±0.31)ug/m L,(124.69±3.41)m L,(5.98 ±1.47)h,(1.69 ±0.45)d, 2.00% and(8.65 ±1.58)d, which were better than those in the control group(P <0.05). Conclusion The effect of laparoscope in treatment of carcinoma of colon patients is obvious.
作者 李伟
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第19期70-72,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 腹腔镜 结肠癌 方式 效果 Laparoscope Carcinoma of colon Method Effect
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