

Relationship between Value and Value Form in Das Kapital
摘要 马克思在《资本论》中对价值形式的论述,使得其政治经济学与古典政治经济学有了根本的不同。马克思将价值作为本质,而将价值形式作为现象,阐明了物与物的关系背后人与人的本质关系的存在。但马克思并未完全正确地把握到价值与价值形式之间的辩证关系,这突出地体现在他的拜物教思想中。 Marx's discourse upon the value form in Das Kapital makes its political economics fundamentally different from the classical political economics. Marx regards value as the essence,and takes the value form as a phenomenon,and expounds the existence of the essential relationship of human beings hidden behind that of matters. But Marx did not fully grasp the dialectical relationship between value and value form,which was revealed in his thought of fetishism.
作者 杨军
机构地区 保定学院政法系
出处 《湘南学院学报》 2017年第4期12-16,32,共6页 Journal of Xiangnan University
关键词 马克思 价值 价值形式 本质 现象 拜物教 Marx value value form essence phenomenon fetishism
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