摘要慕课(Massive Open Online Courses,MOOC)是以强劲的信息技术和网络平台为依托,以知识点教学视频、无拘泥教学方法、自主高效学习和远程化互动交流等为形式的开放性在线教学模式。近年来,我们针对军事航空通信类课程进行了慕课建设的实践探索,并由此引发了对军队院校教学改革创新的进一步思考。
4LOMBARDI M M. The Inside Story: Campus Deci- sions Making in the Wake of the Latest MOOC Tsu- nami EJ:. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 2013, 9 (2).. 239-248.
5HONG LIN. Going to College Online? A Pest Analysis of M(X)Cs [-J-]. Educational Technology Systems, 2014, 42 (4): 369-382.
6DOHERTY I, STEEL C, PARRISH D. The Challen- ges and Opportunities for Professional Societies in Higher Education in Australasia.- A PEST Analysis [-J:. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2012, 28 (1): 105-121.
7RUTH S. Can MOOCs and Existing E-Learning Ef- ficiency Paradigms Help Reduce College Costs? EJ:. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 2012, 8 (1).. 21-32.
8GERHARD FISCHER. Beyond Hype and Underesti- mation= Identifying Research Challenges for the Future of MOOCs I-J2. Distance Education, 2014, 35 (2).. 149-158.
9STEIN K. Penn GSE Study Shows MOOCs Have Relatively Few Active Users, With Only A Few Persisting to Course End EEB/OL:. :2013 12 51. https..//www, gse. upenn, edu/pressroom/press-re- leases/2013/12/penn-gse-study-shows-moocs-have- relatively-fewactive-users-only-few-persisti.