

Exploration of Language and Literature Teachers' Professional Development in Chinese Secondary Schools: Inspired by Finnish Teacher Education
摘要 教师教育问题在世界范围内日益引起关注,新世纪以来,芬兰学生在各大国际性测试中取得的成就更是验证了教师教育的重要性。而我国在教师教育方面远非人人满意,中等学校语文教师教育亦是如此。因此,本文接下来将简要介绍我国中等学校语文教师教育现状,然后较为详细地探索了芬兰教师培养的成功经验,以期为我国语文教师职业发展提供借鉴之处。 Teachers' professional development has gained moreand more attention around the world. In recent years, the brilliantprogress Finnish students have made in international tests provesthe significance of teacher education. However, teacher educationin China is far from satisfaction, including teacher education oflanguage and literature in Chinese secondary schools. By intro-ducing the current situation of teacher education in China, andanalyzing the successful experience of teacher education in Fin-land, suggestions are presented to enhance professional develop-ment of language and literature teachers in secondary schools interms of pre-service education and novice teacher training.
作者 于璐梅
出处 《科教文汇》 2017年第26期20-22,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 中等学校 语文教师教育 芬兰 职前教育 新手教师教育 secondary schools teacher education of languageand literature Finland pre-service education novice teacher education
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