The US army planned and reshaped the operation and utility mode of information infrastructure in JIE in order to bridge the gap between the current situation with anticipated capabilities for GIG. By introducing Single Security Architecture(SSA) and Joint Regional Security Stack(JR.SS), the overall performance of security assurance is expected to be revolutionized and progressed, thus to greatly improve efficiency of information technology mission operation and security. JRSS intend to establish a coordinated and standardized network security framework infrastructure to concentrate limited security resources to main network inlet and outlet sites. In the future, the central nerve network center for the US Dod will support millions of user connections, to assure the output of security could well offst the latest threats emerged. The background, requirements, target, facilities, composition recent progress and keys task domains of JRSS are introduced in the dissertation, whole the security strategy inspired by the framework is concluded in the end.
Information Security and Communications Privacy