
我国民法典分则编纂中的知识产权立法构想 被引量:5

Conception of Intellectual Property Legislation in Codification of Chinese Civil Code
摘要 我国《民法总则》第五章第123条明确规定了知识产权的概念和范围,标志着我国民法典概括地接纳了知识产权。但在民法典分则编纂中是否编纂知识产权分则,目前仍然存在着争论。我国民事立法的确权、权利实现、权利保护的独特民事立法思维模式和逻辑体系为知识产权独立成编提供了本土立法资源。《民法通则》将知识产权与物权、债权和人身权一体规定在民事权利章,以及将民事责任专列一章的制度创新和立法传统为民法典编纂中知识产权独立成编奠定了制度基础。知识产权独立成编已成为当今世界民法典编纂发展的趋势,因此,我国民法典编纂中知识产权应当独立成编。具体设计是:在物权编后规定知识产权编,并分为总则和分则,总则主要规定一般规则,分则规定著作权、专利权和商标权等专有权的取得、内容和限制等。在合同编整合技术合同专章规定知识产权合同,在继承编规定知识产权的继承,在侵权责任编规定知识产权的侵权行为及其责任,使知识产权完全融入民法典之中,突出中国特色、反映时代特征和引领世界民法典编纂的潮流。 The concept and scope of intellectual property rights have been explicitly stipulated by the 123^rd article in the fifth chapter of General Provisions of our Civil Code, which indicates that Chinese Civil Code presumptively accept it. Howev- er, There is still controversy about whether to edit intellectual property rights in the specific part of Civil Code. The unique thinking mode and logic system of civil legislation in our country, which are the right to know, the right to realize and the right to protect, provide the local legislative resources for the independence of intellectual property rights. In "General Provisions of the Civil Law", the intellectual property rights with rights in rem, creditor's rights and personal rights are uniformly placed in the Chapter of Civil Rights , civil liability is formulated as a special chapter, all of which lay the foundation for the independent codification of intellectual property rights in Civil Code. The development of intellectual property rights as independent part has become the trend of codification of civil law in the world. Therefore, we should adopt this model. Specifically, the part of intel- lectual property rights which contains General and Specific Provisions could be arranged after that of Rights In Rein. The Gen- eral part mainly the general rule regulates, the Specific provisions stipulated obtainment, content, limitation of intellectual property rights, while the technology contract should integrated to add a chapter about contract of intellectual property rights in Part of Contract, the inheritance of intellectual property rights must be put in the Part of Succession, the infringement and lia- bility of intellectual property right could be constructed in Part of Tort Liability. This will make the intellectual property rights fully integrated into the Civil Code ,which highlights the characteristics of China, reflects the characteristics of the times and leads the trend of codification of the world civil code.
作者 邓社民
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《法学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期107-115,共9页 Law Review
基金 中国法学会部级研究课题"民法典编纂与知识产权法入典方式问题研究"(CLS(2016)D136)的阶段性成果
关键词 民法典 民法典总则 知识产权立法 Codification of Civil Code Principles of Civil Code Intellectual Property Law Legislation
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