
基于酶水解法酿酒高粱的结合态风味研究 被引量:7

Research of bound aromas based on enzyme hydrolysisof sorghums for brewing Chinese liquor
摘要 为探索白酒主要酿造原料高粱对酒品质的影响,采用固相萃取吸附前体物质和β-葡萄糖苷酶水解释放风味成分,应用HS-SPME结合GC-MS技术定性、定量高粱的结合态风味物质。在2种高粱中共检测到38种结合态风味物质(其中3种为临时性鉴定),包括6种醇类、6种醛类、9种酮类、3种芳香族、3种萜类、6种酯类、1种硫化物、1种呋喃类和3种酸类化合物。23种化合物首次在高粱的结合态风味中检测到。研究表明酶水解是一种释放风味物质较为有效的方式。 In order to explore the effect of sorghums on Chinese liquor' s quality,the SPE column was employed to adsorb bound precursors,and then,which were hydrolyzed by β-glucosidase to release aroma compounds. The HSSPME coupled with GC-MS was used to identify and quantify the volatile hydrolysate. 38 kinds of volatile aroma compounds were detected in two kinds of sorghums, including 6 kinds of alcohols,6 kinds of aldehydes,9 kinds of ketones,3 kinds of aromatic compounds,3 kinds of terpenoids,6 kinds of esters,1 kind of sulfide,1 kind of furan,and 3 kinds of acids. Among these,23 kinds of volatile compounds were first detected in the enzymatic hydrolysate of sorghums, and 3 kinds of volatiles were tentatively identified. The results suggested that enzymatic hydrolysis was an effective way to release bound aromas.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期224-228,共5页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 十三五国家重大专项(2016YFD0400500)
关键词 高粱 Β-葡萄糖苷酶 结合态风味 酶解产物 sorghum β-glucosidase bound aromas enzymatic hydrolysate
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