为解决航空公司设计一发失效应急程序(EOSID)手工设计过程中复杂的迭代和计算问题,基于Matlab提出一套可行的EOSID验证算法。使用制造商性能软件BCOP计算得到飞机一发失效航迹KML文件,以起飞飞行航迹起点作为初始点,加载30 m SRTM数字地形文件,基于CCAR 121一发失效规章要求的航迹保护区和垂直越障裕度,计算确定净航迹是否满足规章要求。以丽江机场02号跑道为例,对算法进行了验证实现,结果表明算法能够快速、准确地实现EOSID设计中的越障分析问题。
In order to solve the complex iteration and calculation problem, in the process of manual de-signed engine out standard instrument departure( EOSID) in airlines,put forward a set of feasible EOSID verification algorithm based on MATLAB. First at all, using Boeing Climb out Program( BCOP) perform-ance software designed by manufacturers, get the KML file from calculating the one - engine failure. The initial point is the starting point of takeoff flight path, loaded the 30 meters SRTM digital terrain filename, calculating the net takeoff flight path is whether meet the conservation area and must fulfill minimum climb gradient when one - engine inoperative,as requied by CCAR. 121. In the end,take lijiang airport 02 runways as an example to verifying the algorithm, the result is the algorithm can quickly and accurately solve the obstacle clearance problem during EOSID designed.
Aeronautical Computing Technique