
东盟终身教育资历参照框架和质量保证系统的构建及启示 被引量:15

Construction and Inspiration of ASEAN Lifelong Education Qualifications Reference Framework and Quality Assurance System
摘要 全球进入了跨国和跨地区的资历对接新阶段。东盟终身教育资历参照框架的建构和通过质量保证系统保障资历和学分互认的对等性,逐步实现东盟十国之间各级各类教育和培训的衔接与沟通。应对我国十三五规划纲要提出的建立国家资历框架,东盟建立一体化资历参照框架的理念和方法,对我国资历框架的顶层设计具有三方面的启示:一是国家资历框架不是要推翻已有的地方资历框架,而是要建立能把所有地方资历框架对接起来的参照框架,让学习者的学习成果能够得到全国范围内的认可和转换;二是建立国家资历框架需要考虑与国际上的资历框架对接,资历框架要让无论是出国学习还是来华学习的人们,无论是学历课程、培训课程,抑或工作场所的学习和职业技能学习,他们获得的学习成果都能按照资历级别和标准得到认证和认可,从而为所有人提供灵活弹性的阶梯式终身学习机会;三是建立资历框架必须有相应的质量保证机制,包括机构内部的质量保证系统和外部的质量评审机制,这在继续教育、职业教育和培训领域尤为必要,如果缺乏内部和外部的质量保证机制,学习者的学习成果认定就缺乏透明性、公平性和对等性,终身教育资历框架也就成为难以落地的空架子。 Nowadays, the globe has entered a new stage of cross-border and cross-regional qualifications linkage. Through the establishment of the reference system of qualification levels, competency domains, and qualification standards, as well as quality assurance systems to ensure the mutual recognition of qualifications and credit, ASEAN has progressively realized the linkage and communication between ASEAN member countries at all levels of education and training. To deal with China's 13 th Five-Year Plan to establish a national qualifications framework, the concept and method of establishing the integrated qualifications reference framework of ASEAN have the following inspirations for the top-level design of China's national qualifications framework: First, the national qualifications framework is not to change the existing local qualifications framework, but to establish the referencing framework to link all the local qualifications frameworks, so that learners' learning outcomes can be recognized and converted nationwide; Second, the establishment of national qualifications framework needs to consider the linkage with international qualifications framework, so as to help Chinese people who study abroad or foreigners who study in China, no matter in academic courses, training courses, or skills level, have the chance to get the learning outcomes accredited and recognized according to the qualification levels and standards, so as to provide a ladder for lifelong learning for all; Third, the establishment of qualifications framework must have a corresponding quality assurance mechanism, including the institution's internal quality assurance system and external quality assessment mechanism, which is particularly important in continuing education, vocational education and training. Without the internal and external quality assurance mechanism, the accreditation of learning outcomes will be short of transparency, fairness and comparability, and the lifelong education qualifications framework will become an empty shelf that is hard to be effective.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2017年第5期12-20,共9页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 北京市教委"直属单位业务发展-北京开放大学终身教育研究基地建设项目"(PXM2017_014251_000011)
关键词 终身教育 资历框架 资历级别 资历标准 质量保证 Lifelong Education Qualifications Framework Qualifications level Qualifications Criteria Quality Assurance
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