
核心素养对课程意味着什么 被引量:37

What Key Competence Means to Curriculum
摘要 核心素养对课程意味着什么?我国教育部于2014年颁布的关于深化基础教育课程改革的意见中,明确提出发展学生核心素养体系,以此修订课程方案和课程标准。就本质而言,核心素养属于课程开发的重要的课程取向,就是说,课程开发或者课程设计,都要以养成学生的核心素养为价值或理念追求。"核心素养"曾作为众声喧哗的共追热点,但讨论之初就陷入到一种"要素主义"的氛围中,忽略了对核心素养的本质规定以及教育价值的深入追问。当把核心素养作为课程取向,就会让所有课程改革的目的转向为培养学生的核心素养服务。由此基于核心素养的课程呈现以下变革趋向:一是整合将成为课程改革的核心词汇,核心素养将成为课程整合的重要线索。课程整合最为重要的价值,就在于它打破了知识与能力之间的零碎状态。二是情境化成为课程设计的主要方式。这是因为核心素养总是需要通过人对情境中复杂问题的解决来达成的。三是学生自主性的发挥将成为课程实施关注的重点。唯有学生充分发挥自我主体作用,展开自主认知建构,素养才能够得以形成。四是表现性评价将得到进一步重视。表现性评价更强调"参与"和"表现",是在让学生完成一个复杂性任务的情况下对其真实表现进行测评。 What does key competence mean to curriculum? Chinese Ministry of Education has announced the development of the key competence system of students in The Views on Deepening the Curriculum Reform of Elementary Education in 2014, which aimed at the amendment of curriculum scheme and standards. Essentially,key competence belongs to the category of main curriculum orientation in curriculum development. In other words,curriculum development or curriculum design should hold the value or idea of cultivating the key competence of students. Key competence was the hot point in the clamorous. However, it was immersed in Essentialism in the beginning and has neglected the further inquiry of essential stipulation and education value of the key competence.All the goals of curriculum reform would turn to cultivate the key competence until the key competence becomes the curriculum orientation. In the way, curriculum based on the key competence will take the following changes: First,integration becomes a crucial word in curriculum reform, and key competence would be an important part for the integration process. The most important value of curriculum integration is breaking the fragmentary state between knowledge and competence. Second, contextualization becomes the major way of curriculum design. This is because key competence needs to be done by solving complex problems in the situation. Third, students' autonomous behavior will become the focus for curriculum implementation. Competence would be formed only by playing a principal role and establishing autonomous cognition. Fourth, performance assessment will be more valued.Performance assessment means that the true representation of students would be assessed when they reform a complex mission, which more emphasizes participation and expression.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2017年第5期21-28,共8页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 重庆市教育学规划2016年度重点课题"基于核心素养的学校课程建设"(2016-GX-002)
关键词 核心素养 课程价值 课程取向 课程改革 Key Competence Curriculum Value Curriculum Orientation Curriculum Reform
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