

Free Trade and National Security Concern in TBT Agreement——Based on the Application of Chinese Network Security and Informatization Measures
摘要 在互联网贸易日益自由化和便利化之际,与信息技术产品相关的国家安全隐患愈发引起各国关注。绝大多数国家采用强制性的技术法规保障敏感行业的国家安全。在WTO框架下,TBT协定核心义务体现为:成员方技术法规的采用、制定和适用不应构成超过实现国家安全目标所必要的贸易障碍;并且,除非国际标准对实现合法目标是无效或不适当,否则成员方应将其作为国内技术法规的基础。通过对涉及TBT协定义务争端解决的实证分析,中国信息技术产品与标准化战略并未违反TBT协定的实体性义务。然而,在修改或更新信息技术产品法规时,中国应力求实现程序正义。同时,我国应积极参与国际标准的制定,避免因国家安全关切产生信息技术行业的加拉帕戈斯化现象。 During the process of trade liberalization and facilitation, national security risks posed by information technology products are increasingly attracting the attention of all countries. Therefore, the a-doption of mandatory technical regulations becomes an affordable measure to achieve national security objec-tives in sensitive sectors. Under the WTO framework, TBT Agreement recognizes the need to protect the members’ national security, and regulates the use of technical regulations shall not constitute unnecessary barriers than to achieve national security objectives, members shall use the international standard as the ba-sis for technical regulations except its invalidity or inappropriateness to achieve the objectives. In practice, China^s information technology products and standardization strategy do not violate the substantive obligations of the TBT Agreement. However, China shall guarantee the procedural justice when it is prepared to adopt new technical regulations. Moreover, China also shall actively participate in international bodies to promote its standards, in case of trapping into the Galapagos of the information technology industry.
作者 孙南翔
出处 《北方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期112-123,共12页 Northern Legal Science
基金 2016年度国家法治与法学理论研究项目"中国应对WTO网络安全争端法律问题研究"(16SFB3043)的成果
关键词 TBT协定 信息技术产品 标准化措施 网络安全 TBT agreements information technology products standardized measures network se-curity
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