
北京市居民休闲时间不平等研究 被引量:9

A Study on the Inequality of Leisure Time in Beijing
摘要 基于1996-2016年中国人民大学中国休闲经济研究中心关于北京市居民生活时间分配调查数据,发现这20年居民休闲时间不平等现象与不同受教育程度群体的休闲时间差异有关。受教育程度越高,工作时间越长,休闲时间越短;受教育程度越低,工作时间越短,休闲时间越长。群体间受教育程度的差异带来时间经济价值的不同,从而导致休闲时间的不平等以及收入的不平等,而收入的不平等又进一步加剧休闲时间的不平等。另外,受教育程度低群体的休闲时间主要来自于无业群体的非自愿休闲,从而拉大了不同受教育程度群体休闲时间的差距。 Using time allocation data from the Research Center of Leisure Economy of China, Renmin University of China between 1996 and 2016, this paper documents a growing inequality in leisure across different educational groups which mirrors the rising inequality in wages. People with higher degree of education would have more working hours and shorter leisure time; and those with lower level of education would have less working hours and longer leisure time. In addition,the leisure time of low-educated groups comes from the involuntary leisure of the unemployed, widening the gap of leisure time between different educational groups. It provides an explanation of the socio-economic mechanisms behind the evidence on leisure time distribution, drawing on the theories of Becker.
出处 《北京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期4-14,共11页 Social Sciences of Beijing
关键词 休闲时间 不平等 受教育程度 inequality leisure time educational level
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