As the livelihood capital is the foundation of worker families in making livelihood strategy choice and under-forest economy is one of the most important livelihood strategy choice for the worker families in state-owned forest region after the Logging Ban,it is of great significance to discuss the effect of differences in livelihood capital ofthe worker families on their willingness to participate in developing the under-forest economy.Based on the sustainable livelihood framework developed by the International Development Department of the UK combined with the field survey data collected in the state-owned forest area in Inner Mongolia,this paper,using structural equation model,empirically analyzed how the differences of livelihood capital in the worker families in forests will influence their willingness to participate in developing the under-forest economy.The results show that livelihood capital has significant impact on these families' participation. Among the different types,the undergrowth natural capital has a significant positive effect( the path coefficient 0.086),higher than that of social capital( the path coefficient 0.037); In contrast,financial capital has significant negative function( the path coefficient is 1.250),lower than that of human capital( the path coefficient 0.131); Physical capital has positive effect,which is not significant.These indicate that livelihood capital differences will directly make the workers differ in their attitudes toward the development of theunder-forest economy.Therefore,the government should formulate policy support corresponding to the demands of worker families and create more employment opportunities in order to promote the development of the under-forest economy and the stable economic and social development of the state-owned forests after the Logging Ban.
Journal of Agro-Forestry Economics and Management
livelihood capital
structural equation model
under-forest economy
the state-owned forest area