As phase two of the policy normalization, Federal Reserve will shrink its outsized balance sheet this year and the Treasury holdings on the balance sheet, once normalization is achieved, will not be higher than the level which is nec- essary to implement its monetary policy. Since the longer-run size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet is largely deter- mined by growth trend of the amount of currency in circulation as well as bank reserves balance, the size of the Federal Re- serve's balance sheet will ultimately he determined by growth in normal GDP and the operational framework it chooses for implementing its monetary policy. If the Federal Reserve prefers to go back to the pre-erisis operating system with minimal excess reserves and no reverse repo facility, its assets would have to shrink dramatically so that to drain reserves back to the required reserve level. By contrast, if the Federal Reserve chooses to preserve its new operating system as we predict, with interest rate on bank reserves and reverse repo rate served as ceiling and floor of the interest rate corridor, then the balance sheet would not need to shrink as much and level of the reserves will depend on growth in reserve needs. In the latter case, the effects of Federal reserve's balance sheet shrinkage on financial conditions and the economy will likely he modest. Fur- thermore, since the Federal Reserve can now use both the funds rate and the balance sheet as its policy tools, shrinking the balance sheet over the next few years may substitute for a couple of hikes in the funds rate so that it can not only achieve the same degree of overall policy tightening, but also mitigate negative impact of the funds rate hike on the economy.
Studies of International Finance
Quantitative Tightening
Quantitative Easing
Balance Sheet Shrinkage
Monetary Policy Normalization