在 3种不同肥力田块的早稻上进行了甲醛尿素的肥效试验 ,并与普通尿素进行对比 ,试验结果表明 :在中等肥力和较高肥力的田块 1hm2 施N 1 3 5kg的情况下 ,甲醛尿素肥效好于普通尿素。在 1hm2 施N 1 95kg的情况下 ,中等肥力田块甲醛尿素肥效亦好于普通尿素。高肥力的田块甲醛尿素与普通尿素相对平产或稍低 ,而在低肥力的田块上 ,由于稻田理化状况、试验品种、油菜茬口、栽插时间等原因 ,甲醛尿素与普通尿素均不显增产效果。
This paper presents the fertilizer efficiency test of formaldehyde urea on three kinds of early rice fields with different fertility and compares it with ordinary urea The result shows that in middle fertility and high fertility fields and under 135kg N/hm 2 conditions,formaldehyde urea efficiency is better than that of ordinary urea;under 195kg N/hm 2 conditions and in middle fertility fields,formaldehyde urea also shows better efficiency In high fertility fields,formaldehyde urea shows the same or a little lower efficiency while in low fertility fields,neither shows production capacity improvement due to the reasons of field physical and chemical conditions,test breed,cole stubble,planting time
Large Scale Nitrogenous Fertilizer Industry