开展"3414"肥效试验,研究了不同肥料配比对芋(Colocasia esculenta)及芋荷梗产量的影响,建立了氮、钾肥施肥量与产量的回归方程,探索了获得芋及芋荷梗的最佳施肥量。结果表明,合理施肥可有效提高芋及芋荷梗的产量,且对芋荷梗的增产效果更加明显,过量施用钾肥会造成芋及芋荷梗产量明显降低,若以芋荷梗为主要采收目标时,可适当增加氮、钾肥的施用量。在该试验土壤条件下,推荐施肥量为氮肥225.0~337.5 kg/hm^2,钾肥171.0~235.5 kg/hm^2。
A "3414" fertilizer experiment was carried out to study the effect of different combinations of fertilizer on yield of taro(Colocasia esculenta) and taro petiole. The regression equation of the nitrogen and potash fertilizer rate and yield was es- tablished. And the best fertilizer rates to the taro and its petiole were explored. The results showed that a better nutrient bal- ance of N,K fertilizer would increase the taro and especially its petiole yield effectively,the excessive application of K fertilizer would obviously reduce their production. Compared with taro corms,more N and K fertilizer were necessery for increasing taro petiole yield. Under the given soil condition,the N,K2O recommendatory application rates were 225.0-337.5 kg/hm2 and 171.0-235.5 kg/hm^2.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences