

Breeding of a new late-maturing wampee cultivar 'Dafeng 1 Huangpi'
摘要 ‘大丰1号黄皮’是通过自然实生选种选育出来的黄皮(Clausena laniusm)新品种,2017年1月通过广东省农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种果实长心形,平均单果质量10.8 g,可食率63.67%。果皮黄褐色,果肉蜡白色,肉质细嫩,味甜酸,风味浓,可溶性固形物含量17.4%,总糖含量9.61%,总酸含量1.14%,维生素C含量0.438 mg·g^(-1)。在广州地区果实7月下旬成熟,为晚熟品种,比对照品种‘金鸡心’迟熟超过15 d。早结丰产性强,一般定植后第2年即可开花结果,5 a生树平均666.7 m^2产量416 kg。该品种适宜在广东省黄皮产区推广种植。 ‘ Dafeng 1 Huangpi' is a new wampee [Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels] cultivar with excellent appearance. The seedling was derived from the seedling population of ‘Jixin' wampee, which locate at Institution of Fruit Tree Research, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Science (Tianhe district of Guangzhou city, Guangdong province). It was initially selected in 2006 for its late maturing, high yield and quality. Then, the robust bud sticks were obtained and used for grafting, followed by investigations of the resulting plants' biological characteristics and fruit quality at 2007-2009. It is showed that their genetic traits were stable. After regional adaptability testing at three sites (Guangzhou, Zhongshan and Dongguan city, Guangdong province) over five years from 2009 to 2014, it has passed the expert identification by Department of Agriculture of Guangdong Province in July 2016. It was certificated by Crop Varieties Certification Committee of Guangdong Province in January 2017 and named ‘Dafeng 1 Huangpi'. Trees of ‘Dafeng 1 Huangpi' is spreading and spherical, with dark brown trunk. Its sprouting and branching ability are strong. The leaves are deep green and lanceolate, with entire margin, acuminate tip and deflective base. The average length and width of the leaf are 10.8 cm and 4.2 cm, respectively. The fruit shape is long-cordate, with average fruit weight of 10.8 g and edible rate of 63.67%. The average longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter of fruit are 34.46 mm and 23.22 mm, respectively. The fruit apex is acute round, without radiate veins. The fruit base is round, with obscure radiate veins. The fruit peel is tawny with bitter taste, and the flesh is waxy white, with tender texture, sweet and sour taste and well flavor. The seeds are oval or clavate, and were full and the surface is smooth. The soluble solids content of fruit is 17.4%, the total soluble sugar is 9.61%, the total acid content is 1.14%, and the vitamin C content is 0.438 mg·g-1. 'Dafeng 1 Huangpi' is a late-mat and the fruit trol euhivar The average suitahle for c uring cuhivar, in Guangzhou area, the initial time of flowering is usually early to mid-March, development period is about 130 d. It harvest at late July, at least 15 days later than the control cultivar ‘Jinjixin'. The cuhivar has high yield that it can bear fi-uits in the second year after planting.Tile average yieht of fifth trees could reach 416 kg per 666.7 m2. The cultivar has broad adaption, and issuitable for euhivation in the wampee production areas located in Guangdong province.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期1222-1224,共3页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2016B020201004) 广东省优稀水果产业技术体系(2016LM1071) 农业部热带作物种质资源保护项目(16RZZY-20)
关键词 黄皮 新品种 '大丰1号黄皮’ 晚熟 Clausena lansium New cuhivar ‘ Dafeng l Huangpi' Late-maturing
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