
库尔特·冯内古特小说中的疯狂形象研究 被引量:1

The Research on Mad Characters in Kurt Vonnegut's Novels
摘要 库尔特·冯内古特是美国最著名的后现代主义作家之一,作家本人的精神创伤经历以及美国后现代社会的疯狂、荒诞和人道主义的担当意识促使他借助文学想象来聚焦、书写和再现疯狂.通过展现主人公战争创伤下的精神分裂,强烈质疑了战争的合法性和正义性,无情控诉了战争的残酷与罪恶;通过揭示主人公在权力操纵下的人格分裂,批判了战争、权力和国家机器对自由的肆意践踏和对人性的疯狂操纵;通过描摹科学狂人在科学迷恋下的偏执痴狂,鞭笞了人类对科学的无穷欲望、疯狂追逐以及由此带来的灾难.冯内古特小说中疯狂形象的塑造与刻画再次展示了他作为一个人道主义者的悲天悯人之情怀和心系家国之担当. Kurt Vonnegut is one of the most influential post-modernist writers in American literature history.His own traumatized living experience,the craziness and absurdness of post-modern America and his sense of responsibility as a humanist writer,all drive him to focus,represent and reflect madness through literary images.Through presenting protagonists’ schizophrenia brought by war sufferings,Vonnegut questions the validity of war-making,lamenting ruthlessly the great evilness and cruelty of war-makers as well.Meanwhile,through showing protagonists’ personality split caused by might control,Vonnegut criticizes the governments’ willful,reckless evil of invading and manipulating public freedom and human rights.Finally,via depicting stubbornness and paranoia of wildly arrogant scientists,Vonnegut predicts the potential disaster or doomsday of human future caused by humans’ endless desire and unsatisfying pursuit of science and technology.To conclude,the portrait of these mad,lunatic images in Vonnegut’s novels indicates his great concern over human being’s future destiny as a humanist writer and his great care to the country and its people as a patriotic writer.
作者 韩利敏
出处 《安徽工程大学学报》 CAS 2017年第3期34-38,共5页 Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University
基金 安徽省高等学校人文社会科学研究基金资助项目(TSSK2015B37)
关键词 库尔特·冯内古特 疯狂 战争创伤 权力操纵 科学迷恋 Kurt Vonnegut madness war trauma government’s manipulation obsess with science
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  • 1Allen, William Rodney. Understanding Kurt Vonnegut. South Carolina: U of South Carolina P, 1991.
  • 2Berryman, Charles. "Vonnegut and Evolution: Galapagos. " Critical Essays on Kurt Vonnegut. Ed. Robert Merrill. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co, 1990.
  • 3默里·布克金.《自由生态学:等级制的出现与消解》,郇庆治译,济南:山东大学出版社,2008年.
  • 4Cacicedo, Alberto. "Reviews. " Studies in the Novel 1 (2007) : 116-17.
  • 5Davis, Todd F. Kurt Vonnegut's Crusade, or, How a Postmodern Harlequin Preached a New Kind of Humanism. Albany: State U of New York P, 2006.
  • 6Hoffman, Thomas P. "The Theme of Mechanization in Player Piano. " The Critical Response to Kurt Vonnegut. Ed. Leonard Mustazza. Connecticut/London: Greenwood Press, 1994.
  • 7Hunter, Jeffrey W. "Introduction. " Contemporary Literary Criticism Vol. 212. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Detroit and New York: Thomson Gale, 2006.
  • 8Klinkowitz, Jerome. Vonnegut in America. Eds. Jerome Klinkowitz and Donald L. Laing, R. D. The Divided Self. New York : Pantheon Books, 1969.
  • 9Louis, Dolores K. Gros. "The Ironic Christ Figure in Slaughterhouse-Five. " Contemporary Literary Criticism Vol. 60. Ed. Roger Matuz. Detroit/New York/Washington/Chicago/London: Gale Research Inc. , 1990.
  • 10Olderman, Raymond M. "Out of the Waste Land and into the Fire : Cataclysm or the Cosmic Cool. " Contemporary Literary Criticism Vol. 60. Ed. Roger Matuz. Detroit / New York/ Washington D. C. / Chicago/ London: Gale Research Inc. , 1990.











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