
倾听儿童的声音:让儿童成为自己图书馆的评价主体 被引量:9

Listening to Children's Voices: Children as Evaluation Subjects of Their Libraries
摘要 儿童图书馆及相关技术、产品、服务不断发展的今天,忽视儿童权利、漠视儿童话语权的现象仍层出不穷,严重影响图书馆儿童用户体验。因此,本文提出让儿童成为自己图书馆的评价主体,从话语分析角度揭示成年意志主导对儿童权利的影响,并收集发展心理学与相关研究证据证实当前儿童作为评价主体的理论可行性;随后,通过政策保障、产品与服务设计、既有的儿童视角评价实践三个方面证实了这一主张的实践可行性。传统方法与专门针对儿童开发的研究方法,可以指导儿童成为自己图书馆评价主体的具体实施,具有理论和实践层面上的价值。 Though children live in a time with a boom of children libraries and related technologies, products, and services, phenomena of ignoring children's rights and voices still threat children's decent library experience and their perceptions of library services. Nowadays, adult patrons' satisfaction evaluation to library service is a routine to improve library service. However, there is not any one for children library service. Thus, we advocate that let the children be their libraries' evaluation subjects. This proposition is justified in three points: First, theoretical feasibility. Discourses on children have changed from "deficient child" to "beyond the hegemony of adulthood". It then is possible to reconsider children's moral and political existence apart from adulthood. In developmental psychology, there was a tendency of revaluing the child in child development. In developmental psychology researches, children's roles changed from "closely observed" to "participants". Children are seen as sense makers and active social actors nowadays. In other related areas like education and social research, children's researches are changed from "study on children" to "study by children". Second, practical feasibility. As a reflection of children discourses change, policies change as well. Internationally, changing from the saying of "children must be protected" in the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Children, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child identified the right to express views and feelings, and be heard as one of four general principles, along with the right to survival and development, the right to non-discrimination and the primacy of the best interests of the child. In ALSC Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries, description of librarian competencies changes from "able to match patrons with materials appropriate to their interests and ability" to "ensures that all children have full access to library materials, resources, and services". Additionally, children- centered thinking is penetrating into children's products and services and children's perspective evaluations and researches increase. Third, methodology feasibility. Along with the changing of children's research paradigm, traditional social research methods, such as interview, auto-photography, survey are adopted to conduct children researches. In order to research with preschool children and disabled children, Clark and Statham developed the "mosaic approach" with young children, to facilitate the listening process. This multi-method approach seeks to create knowledge by combining a variety of visual and participatory methods. These also give children power to evaluate their libraries. After justifying the feasibility, we emphasize the importance of letting children be their libraries' evaluation subjects. Theoretical values include: guaranteeing children's right of making sound, constructing discourses of centering children's perspective in practice and academic, realizing the library profession's missions of education, community improvement and social harmony. Practical values includes: first, improving children's enrollment of library affaires, i.e. "Every child should be familiar and comfortable with the local library and possess the skills to seek their way around libraries in general." Second, advancing and practicing Law of the People's Republic of China on the protection of public cultural services. 1 tab. 69 refs.
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期102-115,共14页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 儿童图书馆 图书馆服务 评价主体 儿童权利 Children library. Children library service. Evaluation subject. Children's rights
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