高校教师应具备怎样的素质 ?第一 ,有比较渊博的知识 ;第二 ,掌握教育科学 ,懂得教育规律 ;第三 ,有高尚的道德品质和崇高的精神境界 ,同时 ,必须具有相应的专业素质和人文素质 ,否则就很难完成教书育人的使命。
What makings should teachers of institutions of higher learning be in possession of?First,comparatively extensive knowledge;second,a command of educational science and comprehension of education rules;third possession of professional ethics and ideal as well as the required professional and humanistic qualifications,otherwise,it is hard for them to complete their task of imparting knowledge and cultivation of students.
Journal of Shanxi Radio & TV University