
淮安市所辖县(区)消除疟疾达标考核结果分析 被引量:5

Analysis of assessment results of malaria elimination in counties (districts) of Huai'an City
摘要 目的分析江苏省淮安市所辖8个县(区)消除疟疾达标考核结果,为巩固消除疟疾成果提供依据。方法对2010-2016年淮安市网络报告疟疾疫情、发热病人血检、疟疾防治系统中疟疾病例流行病学个案调查表等流行病学调查与处置资料进行分析。对临床医生疟疾诊治知识考核和检验人员疟原虫镜检技能考核结果进行分析;对当地最后1例疟疾病例所在自然村,采制不少于200人份的居民滤纸血样品并进行疟原虫基因检测。结果 2010-2016年淮安市网络报告308例疟疾病例,疟原虫血检323 002人次,阳性272例,阳性率为0.08%;2010年和2011年分别有19例和3例本地感染病例,其余均为输入病例。除清河区外,7个县(区)采集居民滤纸血样品1 420人份进行疟原虫基因检测,结果均为阴性。8县(区)疟原虫镜检技能考核有6家单位平均分为20分,金湖县和淮安区平均分均为19.6分。疟疾诊治能力考核洪泽区平均分最高,为20分;淮安区平均分最低,为18.8分。淮安市8县(区)消除疟疾考核总得分均在97分以上。至2016年,淮安市所辖县(区)全部通过县级消除疟疾达标考核。结论淮安市8县(区)均以高分通过消除疟疾县级达标考核,今后应继续做好输入性疟疾的防控监测工作,巩固已取得的消除疟疾成果。 Objective To analyze the results of the assessment of malaria elimination in 8 counties(districts)in Huai'an City,Jiangsu Province,so as to provide evidences for consolidating the achievement of malaria elimination. Methods The da-ta from the network reports of malaria epidemic situation,blood examinations of febrile patients,epidemiological questionnaires of malaria cases,investigation and disposal of epidemic focuses were collected and analyzed in Huai'an City from 2010 to 2016. The results of the assessment on the clinicians'ability of malaria diagnosis and treatment as well as the inspectors'skill of Plas-modium microscopic examinations were analyzed. In the natural village where the last local case of malaria was reported ,no less than 200 blood filter papers were made for gene detection of Plasmodium. Results From 2010 to 2016,308 malaria cases were reported in Huai'an City. Totally 323002 patients received blood detection of malaria,among which 272 ones were positive and the positive rate was 0.08%. The majority of the malaria cases were imported,except 19 and 3 local infection cases in 2010 and 2011,respectively. Except Qinghe District,a total of 1420 blood filter papers from the other 7 counties(districts)were detect-ed genetically,and the results were all negative. Six of the eight counties(districts)gained an average score of 20 points on the Plasmodium microscopic examination,and Jinhu County and Huai'an District got a minimum average score of 19.6 points. In ca-pacity assessment of malaria diagnosis and treatment,Hongze District gained the highest average score of 20 points,and Huai'an District got the lowest average score of 18.8 points. The malaria elimination assessment scores of the eight counties(districts) were all above 97 points. All the 8 counties(districts)in Huai'an City passed the malaria elimination assessment at county(dis-trict)level until 2016. Conclusions All the 8 counties(districts)in Huai'an City have passed the malaria elimination assess-ment with high scores. After the malaria elimination,the monitoring still should continue to consolidate the achievement.
出处 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期482-485,504,共5页 Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
关键词 疟疾 疫情 消除 考核 监测 淮安市 Malaria Epidemic situation Elimination Assessment Monitoring Huai&#39 an City
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