The gap parameter of the standard BCS model is replaced by the order parameter of the modified Ginzburg–Landau theory. Using this new form of the BCS model, the energy, entropy, and heat capacity of ^(93,94,95)Mo nuclei are calculated. The results are compared with the experimental data and standard BCS results. Since the order parameter does not drop to zero at a critical temperature, our results for thermal properties are free of singularities. We have shown that the heat capacity as a function of temperature behaves smoothly and it is highly in agreement with the experimental heat capacity, while heat capacity behaves singularly and discontinuously in the standard BCS model.A smooth peak in the heat capacity is observed which is interpreted as a signature of the transition from the superfluid to the normal phase.
The gap parameter of the standard BCS model is replaced by the order parameter of the modified Ginzburg- Landau theory. Using this new form of the BCS model, the energy, entropy, and heat capacity of 93,94,95Mo nuclei are calculated. The results are compared with the experimental data and standard BCS results. Since the order parameter does not drop to zero at a critical temperature, our results for thermal properties are free of singularities. We have shown that the heat capacity as a function of temperature behaves smoothly and it is highly in agreement with the experimental heat capacity, while heat capacity behaves singularly and discontinuously in the standard BCS model. A smooth peak in the heat capacity is observed which is interpreted as a signature of the transition from the super- fluid to the normal phase.