‘甜香玉’是以‘FLM73216’为母本、‘FLM73205’为父本育成的薄皮甜瓜杂交1代新品种。该品种植株长势强健、综合抗性好、易坐果。果实梨形,果实发育期约29 d,单果质量0.48 kg。果皮淡黄绿色,成熟后有微黄晕,果面光洁,果脐中平。果肉淡绿色,平均中心可溶性固形物含量15.3%,肉质酥脆、细,香味浓郁,口感风味俱佳。吊蔓栽培平均每667 m^2产量2978 kg。全国大部分地区保护地和露地均可种植。2013年通过安徽省鉴定登记。
'Tianxiangyu' is a new oriental melon hybrid cultivar developed by 'FLM73216' as female parent and 'FLM73205' as male parent. The plant is strong, easy for fruit setting and performs well in disease resistance. The fruit growth period is about 29 d. The fruit is pear-shaped with pistachio rind from slight yellowish-green to yellow halo. Flesh is light green, crispy, sweet and juicy, with excellent texture and flavor. The center soluble solids content is 15.3%. Average fruit weight is about 0.48 kg, the yield per 667 m2 is 2 978 kg in trellis cultivation. It is suitable for protected and open field production.
China Cucurbits And Vegetables