‘甬砧8号’是以‘XSZB1’(印度南瓜)为母本、‘Y2’(中国南瓜)为父本杂交育成的南瓜类型黄瓜嫁接专用砧木。该品种生长势强,根系发达,吸肥力强;幼苗不易徒长,易嫁接,嫁接亲和力好,嫁接成活率可达93%以上。果实近圆柱形,老熟瓜墨绿色、有灰绿斑,果实发育期约45 d,单果质量1.0~1.5 kg。‘甬砧8号’嫁接黄瓜后植株长势稳健,果实顺直,口感清脆,品质优良;果实有蜡粉品种嫁接后表皮光亮无蜡粉,商品性好;接穗黄瓜产量明显增加,较自根苗增产26%。‘甬砧8号’适合浙江省设施栽培黄瓜嫁接生产。2014年12月通过浙江省非主要农作物品种审定委员会审定。
'Yongzhen No. 8' is a new cucumber grafting rootstock F~ hybrid developed by crossing 'XSZBI' (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) as female parent and 'Y2' (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) as male parent. This variety has strong growth vigor and root system with a good absorption ability. The seedlings are not excessive growth and easy for grafting with good graft compatibility, the grafting survival rate was more than 93%. The fruit is near cylinder-shaped with dark green rind and gray green spots. The fruit developing period is about 45 days. Each fruit weight is about 1.0-1.5 kg.The cucumber plants grafted by ' Yongzhen No. 8' grow steady with straight fruit shape and good fruit quality. Grafted cucumber fruits have vanished wax powder content of cucumber skin. The yield of grafted cucumber can increase 26% compared to that of the own-rooted cucumber. ' Yongzhen No. 8' is a suitable rootstock specially for grafting cucumber in greenhouse in Zhejiang province.
China Cucurbits And Vegetables