目的分析2004—2013年江苏省乙型肝炎(乙肝)的流行特征,发现重点人群,预测未来发展趋势,进一步探讨防治策略。方法根据2004—2013年报告的乙肝发病资料和人口资料,采用描述性流行病学分析法对江苏省乙肝疫情进行回顾。结果 2004—2013年江苏省共报告乙肝病例163 045例,年平均发病率为20.99/10万。同期共死亡192例,年平均死亡率为0.025/10万。15~54岁人口为发病的主要人群,平均发病率为17.27/10万;男、女性别比1.009∶1,发病比为2.902∶1(P<0.001)。男、女死亡比为3.667∶1(P<0.001)。总体发病率呈下降趋势(回归系数<0,P<0.01),15~54岁年龄组发病率呈显著下降趋势,男性的发病例数及发病率下降幅度高于女性。结论 2004—2013年江苏省乙肝的报告发病率在波动中下降,主要发病人群的年龄集中在15~54岁的中青年,男性发病率远高于女性,且高于全国平均水平。所以在做好基础乙肝预防工作之外,应加大对江苏省中青年尤其男性的预防接种工作。
Objective To analyze epidemiologieal characteristics on hepatitis B in Jiangsu Province from 2004 to 2013, find the key people, forecast future trend, develop prevention and treatment strategies. Methods Based on the epidemiological data and demographic data of hepatitis B in Jiangsu Province from 2004 to 2013, the epidemic situation of hepatitis B in Jiangsu Province by descriptive epidemiological methods was reviewed. Results From 2004 to 2013, a total of 163 045 cases of hepatitis B were reported in Jiangsu Province, the average annual incidence rate was 20.99/105. At the same time, there were 192 deaths and the mortality rate was 0.025/105. The highest incidence of hepatitis B occurred in aged 15 to 54 years, the average annual incidence rate was 17.27/105. The incidence ratio of man to women was 2.902 : 1 (1~ 〈 0.001) and the mortality ratio was 3.667 : 1 (P 〈 0.001). The annual incidence rate of hepatitis B was decreasing for the whole population (regression index 〈 0, P 〈 0.01), while a significant down trend for the 15-54 year-old people. The incidence of male was higher than that of female. Conclusions The incidence of hepatitis B significantly reduces from 2004 to 2013 in Jiangsu Province and the hepatitis B infection gradually improves. The prevalence of hepatitis B mainly focuses on 15-54 year-old people and there are more male cases compared with female cases, which is also higher than that in the national average cases. We should pay more attention to the young, especially the male besides the basic work to control and prevent hepatitis B.
Infectious Disease Information