[目的/意义]专利技术的产业化应是专利申请的终极目标,本研究将产业专利偏好与专利技术产业化与两个概念进行重新界定和关联,量化评价了中国技术产业化成果中专利的属性特征。[过程/方法]选取中国5年的"国家科技进步奖"作为技术产业化成果的研究样本,挖掘出包含在技术产业化成果中的8 270件有效专利,分析归纳了中国不同领域技术产业化成果对专利的偏好程度,并基于改进的三螺旋理论对技术产业化的主体合作关系进行测量。[结果/结论]揭示了中国技术产业化成果的专利分布情况的产业差异性和主体合作特征,发现新兴技术领域产业化成果的专利偏好不高,提出我国技术产业化的政策性激励应加强对成果知识产权评议,降低技术实施后的潜在知识产权风险,引导新兴专利技术的转化实施。
[ Purpose/Significance] Patent industrialization should be the final goal of patent application. This research firstiy constructs and analyzes the theoretical relevance between the two concepts of technology industrialization and patent propensity, thus provides a new research path towards quantitatively evaluating patent industrialization applicability and stimulating effective implementation of patent from industrial perspective. [ Method/Process] Then, we select Chinese National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology projects awarded in 5 years as research samples of technology industrialization and dig out 8270 patents in these projects. The hotspots of patent technology industrialization fields and patent propensity of 36 different industries in China are drawn, with the highest patent industrialization applica- bility index identified in traditional manufacturing industries while low index in several emerging technology fields. We calculate the interre- lationships of the three objects in patent industrialization based on the modified triple helix model. The mutual information entropy of three different collaboration models are built and analyzed, the collaborations between research institutes and enterprises are found to be more ef- fective in patent industrialization in China. Finally, k-means cluster algorithm and correlation analysis are used to evaluate the applicability of patent in various industries and the relation between industry patent propensity and technology industrialization which reveals the whole panorama of patent industrialization in China. [ Result/Conclusion] This evaluation process provides an approach to stimulate the patent in- dustrialization and suggests that IP evaluation should be strengthened and attention should be paid to IP risks in technology industrialization and policy incentives like The Prize, thus guide emerging patent technology industrialization in China.
Journal of Intelligence
technology industrialization industrial patent propensity Triple-helix patent information IP evaluation