文章提出一种将Ardu Pilot自动驾驶系统融入AGV小车的设计思路。本设计利用Atmega 2560作为主控芯片,高精度UBlox GPS模块作为户外路径导引。自组12 V锂电池电源提供动力。小车底盘后置有刷电机,由电子调速器进行同步控制,并利用舵机实现灵活转向。整车设计制作完成后经测试,具备较好导向性和定位精度,适合户外远距离自动运输。
This paper presents a ArduPilot automatic driving system into the AGV car design idea in this design, Atmega 2560 is used as the main control chip, and the high precision UBlox GPS module is used as the outdoor path guidance. The self assembled 12V lithium battery power supply. The rear chassis of the car is provided with a brush motor which is synchronously controlled by an electronic governor, and flexible steering is realized by using a steering gear. After the design and manufacture of the vehicle, it has good guidance and positioning accuracy. It is suitable for automatic transportation from outdoor to long distance.
Wireless Internet Technology