

Historian in the Qing Dynasty Zhao Yi's Acceptance of Traditional Chinese Opera
摘要 赵翼是文史兼擅的著名历史人物,早在清代,就名播遐方,深为异邦文士所喜爱追捧,在国内外的影响力非同一般。他对戏曲艺术由衷热爱,有着独特的认识。其著述中包含着大量的戏曲史料,一是有关歌舞伎艺、各种戏曲的演出;二是对家庭戏班、戏剧创作的载述;三是有关伶人生平遭际以及场上表演伎艺的描写。瓯北还对戏曲价值进行了充分估价。首先,充分肯定戏曲存在的合理性;其次,强调戏曲演出应以真情感人。再次,重视戏曲演出与文化知识的普及推广。赵翼虽不以考据名家,但他所生活地域的考据学风,则无形中对他的问学取向产生不少影响。瓯北对戏曲的考证,主要表现在对相关剧作本事的追索。此外,他对戏曲舞台常用语也时有考证。赵翼作为著名诗人、思想家和历史学家,对戏曲艺术的关注、接纳与思考,从侧面反映了戏曲在清代的生存环境以及其文体地位的悄然提升。 Zhao Yi was a famous historician good at both literature and history. As early as in the Qing dynasty, he was well known and liked by foreign scholars, having an extraordinary influence both at home and abroad. He had a unique understanding of the art of traditional opera. His writings contained a large number of historical opera data, which included a variety of performances of song, dances and operas, descriptions of family troupes and opera crea- tions, and performers' life and their performances. He also made a full valuation of the value of drama. First of all, he fully affirmed the existence of the rationality of traditional opera ; secondly, he stressed true feelings in the operas ; thirdly, he paid attention to the popularization of opera performances and cultural knowledge. Zhao Yi was influenced by the textual study style in his living areas. Zhao Yi' s textual research on the opera mainly focused on the original stories of relevant plays, in addition to the language on the opera stage. As a famous poet, thinker and historian, Zhao Yi attention, acceptance and reflection on traditional opera reflected the environment of opera in the Qing dy- nasty and its improvement of cultural status .
作者 赵兴勤
出处 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 2017年第2期51-64,共14页 Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art
关键词 史学家 赵翼 戏曲艺术 接纳与思考 historian Zhao Yi opera art acceptance and reflection








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