目的了解大竹县钩端螺旋体病(简称钩体病)暴发流行特征和病原学、血清学情况,为制定防制措施提供科学依据。方法开展钩体病个案调查,采集病人血液;夹夜法测鼠密度,无菌解剖取双肾;无菌采集猪肾、蛙肾、牛中段尿;将采集的标本进行病原学和血清学分离培养,并进行统计学分析。结果钩体病发病8 356例,发病率为878.71/10万;2 459份病人血液和宿主动物标本中分离培养出钩体菌91株,阳性率为3.70%;病人血液钩体菌检出率明显高于鼠肾、鼠肾高于蛙肾(χ~2=427.48,P<0.05),差异有统计学意义;经菌群菌型鉴定为5群8型。七日热群占59.46%,主要从病人血液和蛙肾中分离获得;黄疸出血群为25.68%,主要从鼠肾中分离获得。结论钩体病发病数多,流行强度大,其暴发流行的主要宿主是蛙类和鼠类。
Objective Dazhu County of leptospirosis outbreak and epidemic characteristics of pathogenic and serological status,provide a scientific basis for preventive measures. Methods To carry out the investigation of leptospirosis cases,collecting blood; the night trapping method measuring rat density,sterile dissected kidney; kidney,kidney,frog collected urine of cattle. The collected samples of pathogenic and serological isolation,and statistical analysis. Results 8 356 cases of leptospirosis incidence,the incidence rate of 878. 71/100 000; and the host animal blood specimens from patients with isolated 91 strains of Leptospira bacteria in 2 459 samples,the positive rate was 3. 70%. The detection rate of Leptospira bacteria was significantly higher than that in the blood of patients with kidney and kidney was higher than that of frog kidney( χ~2= 427. 48,P 〈 0. 05),the difference was statistically significant; microflora of type 5 and type 8 group identification. Seven days of fever group accounted for 59. 46%,mainly from the patient’s blood and frog kidney were isolated; jaundice hemorrhagic fever group of 25. 68%,mainly from the rat kidney. Conclusion The incidence of leptospirosis in quantity,epidemic,outbreak of leptospirosis epidemic is the main host of frogs and rodents.
Journal of Medical Pest Control