目的分析、研究在卵巢癌组织中促癌基因C-erb B-2与肝素结合样表皮生长因子(HB-EGF)的表达情况及临床意义。方法以正定县人民医院2014年3月-2016年12月期间行卵巢肿瘤手术的75例患者为研究对象,将其中上皮性卵巢癌患者设为卵巢癌组,交界性卵巢瘤患者设为交界组,良性卵巢瘤患者设为良性组,每组各25例,取所有对象的卵巢组织进行检测,对比分析组织中C-erb B-2、HB-EGF的表达情况。结果卵巢癌组C-erb B-2、HB-EGF阳性细胞率及平均荧光强度较之良性组及交界组均显著升高,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且C-erb B-2、HB-EGF在卵巢癌Ⅲ~Ⅳ期组织中表达高于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期(P<0.05)。结论 C-erb B-2、HB-EGF参与卵巢癌的发生发展当中,且与病情严重程度呈正相关关系,二者可以作为卵巢良恶性肿瘤鉴别诊断的辅助指标,二者联合检测可以更准确反映卵巢癌病情。
Objective To analyze and research the expression levels and clinical significance of C-erbB-2 and heparin binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF) in ovarian carcinoma.Methods A total of 75 patients receiving surgery of ovarian carcinoma from March 2014 to December 2016 in the hospital were selected as study objects,then they were divided into ovarian carcinoma group (epithelial ovarian carcinoma),borderline group (borderline ovarian carcinoma),benign group (benign ovarian carcinoma),25 patients in each group.O-varian tissue samples of all the patients were detected,the expression levels of C-erbB-2 and HB-EGF were analyzed and compared.Results The ratio of C-erbB-2,HB-EGF positive cells and mean fluorescence intensity in ovarian carcinoma group were statistically significantly higher than those in benign group and borderline group (P〈0.05);the expression levels of C-erbB-2 and HB-EGF in ovarian carcinoma patients of stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ were statistically significantly higher than those in ovarian carcinoma patients of stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ (P〈0.05).Conclusion C-erbB-2 and HB-EGF are involved in the occurrence and development of ovarian carcinoma,they positively correlate with severity of the disease,these two indicators can be used as auxiliary indexes for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant ovarian carcinoma,and the combined detection of these two indicators can more accurately reflect the severity of ovarian carcinoma.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China