搭建碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)电导率测量试验平台,研究CFRP试件沿不同方向测量时的"电导率-温度"及"电导率-频率"特性。结果表明CFRP材料的电导率随温度升高呈负温度系数(NTC)特性,并且在0.1~5 MHz出现随频率变化的转折点;沿平行纤维方向测量的"电导率-温度"及"电导率-频率"特性与沿厚度和垂直纤维方向测量的相差甚大。最后,采用微观导电模型及对应的等效电路对测试结果进行了探讨和解释。
An experiment platform is established to measure electrical conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). The temperature-dependence and frequency- dependence characteristics for conductivity of CFRP in different measurement directions are researched. The experiment results show that the conductivity of CFRP decreases with the increase of temperature and a turning point after which conductivity frequency dependence is observed ranging between 0. 1 MHz and 5 MHz. The temperature and frequency dependence of conductivity measured in the vertical and thick direction are different from those in the longitudinal direction. At last, a microscopic conductive model with its corresponding equivalent circuit is used to explain about results of experiment.