开发设计了新一代化工系统软件 ,该软件集成了知识查询、模拟计算、工程设计等功能 ,并建立了一个大型化工知识库。其中 ,设计功能是本软件较为突出的特点之一 ,它包括各种化工设备的设计计算 ,设备选型以及工艺流程图、设备简图的绘制等。该软件简单易学 ,功能齐全 ,能够满足从概念设计到基础设计的全部功能要求。
A new chemical process system was designed,it integrated many practical functions including simulation,physical properties,analysis & optimization,heat integration and designing.Besides calculation functions mentioned above,a large chemical knowledge library which stored more than 600 concepts and more than 50 special topics of chemical engineering,and from which users can retrieve and learn any chemical information.This system with a reasonable software structure is convenient and flexible to use,and it will be helpful for chemical engineers,chemical researchers and students.
Journal of Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)