
网络著作权的立法保护及其完善——以《著作权法》第三次修订为视角 被引量:5

The Legislative Protection and Perfection of Network Copyright——Based on the third revision of copyright law
摘要 网络传播技术的产生与发展要求著作权制度及时回应,以打击和预防网络环境下的著作权侵权行为,保护著作权,维护正常的网络传播秩序,推动网络产业的健康发展。从法典的修改、行政法规的制定到相关司法(性)解释的出台,每一次法律的"立改废"都适时地完善了网络著作权的法律保护。进一步完善网络著作权的保护是《著作权法》第三次修订的重要内容,从《草案》一至三稿以及送审稿来看主要有四个方面:一是对作品的界定以"智力表达"取代"智力成果"的表述,使网络作品作为网络著作权保护的客体获得法律确认,但"视听作品"不能涵盖网页等多媒体作品,应创设"多媒体作品"清晰界分权属;二是调整信息网络传播权,将广播权修订为播放权,使权利内容叠加,有重复立法之嫌,应取消"广播权",将信息网络传播权调整为"向公众传播权"以满足国际条约、国内法律以及三网融合的现实需要,使其更具科学性和可操作性;三是引入"三步检验法"来判断网络环境下著作权的合理使用,扩大法定许可在网络环境下的使用范围,平衡网络空间著作权各方主体之间的利益,完善网络著作权限制制度;四是增设网络服务提供者的侵权责任,但应避免与"避风港原则"相冲突,防止该原则被滥用,引入惩罚性赔偿制度,但还应细化法定赔偿金的最低额度等规定,强化对网络著作权的保护。 The emergence and development of network communication technology requires the timely response of copyright system to combat and prevent network copyright infringement, protect copyright, maintain the normal network communication order, and promote the healthy development of the network industry. The enactment, amendment and repeal of law are timely to improve the legal protection of network copyright every time. To further improve the protection of network copyright is an important part of the third revision of the copyright law. There are four main aspects of the draft: First, the definition of works replaces the expression of "intellectual achievements" with the "intellectual expression", which makes the network works as the object of the copyright protection, however, "audiovisual works" cannot include all the multimedia works, "multimedia works" should be created to define the boundaries of rights. Second, the right of broadcasting is amended as the right of broadcasting, leading to the content of rights superimposed and there is a suspicion of repeated legislation, so the right of broadcasting should be repealed. The right of information network dissemination is amended as "the right of communication to the public" to meet the needs of international treaties, national legislation and integration of three networks, which makes them more scientific and operational. Third, improving the network copyright limitation system needs to introduce the "hree step test" to determine the rational use of copyright, expand the scope of legal permission, and balance the interests of the parties in the network environment. Fourth, increasing the tort liability of Internet service providers should avoid conflicts with the "safe harbor principle" and prevention of abuse of the principle. Introducing the punitive compensation system should detail the minimum amount of legal compensation and strengthen the protection system of network copyright.
作者 杨加明
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第3期53-67,共15页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(12BXW050)
关键词 著作权法 网络著作权 网络作品 信息网络传播权 网络著作权的限制 copyright lave, network copyright network works, information network communication fight limitation of network copyright
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