

100 Years in Retrospection of Russia's Studies of Zabolotsky and the Prospect
摘要 随着对普世价值的追求和推行,以美启真的经典作品日益受到世人珍视,俄罗斯近年来出现的扎博洛茨基研究浪潮证实了文学研究面向本真的回归。本文重点梳理了俄罗斯扎博洛茨基研究近百年来由批判到重新认识再到今天的方兴未艾之势的曲折历程,择要总结了扎博洛茨基研究者和两次国际学术会议的主要研究成果,并在此基础上反思俄罗斯扎博洛茨基研究中存在的研究重心的失衡、着力点的偏差等问题,同时以中国的扎博洛茨基研究为例阐释了俄罗斯扎博洛茨基研究中跨文化研究视角的不足。这些问题的存在蕴藏了可待开发的空间,隐含了新的研究趋向。对俄罗斯扎博洛茨基研究的考察可以为我国的俄罗斯诗歌研究和接受提供有益的参考意见和研究视角。 With the pursuit and promotion of universal value, the literature of beauty and truth is increasingly valued by the world, and the wave of Russia's studies of Zabolotsky in recent years has borne out the return of literary research to the real. The focus of the research lies in combing the sinuous process of Russia's studies of Zabolotsky from criticism to re-understanding and finally to a rising trend in recent hundred years, summarizing the research achievements of Russia's researchers and two international academic conferences. Based on that, we introspect the problems in Russia's studies of Zabolotsky, such as imbalance of focus of study, deviation of the focal point, etc At the same time, taking the studies of Zabolotsky in China as an example, we explain the shortage of cross-cultural research in Russia's studies of Zabolotsky. The existence of these problems has left space for further studies and new research trends. Our investigation of Russia's studies of Zabolotsky can provide useful reference opinions and research perspectives for our study and reception of Russian poetry.
作者 董春春
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2017年第3期85-92,共8页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 江苏师范大学人文社科基金项目<人性与自然--尼古拉.扎博洛茨基诗歌创作研究>(项目号:14XWR001)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 俄罗斯 扎博洛茨基研究 回顾 问题 前景 Russia studies of Zabolotsky retrospection problems prospect
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