
林农林业单户经营模式选择行为的影响因素研究 被引量:7

Influencing Factors of Forestry Farmers' Selection Behavior of Single-Family Business Model
摘要 采用江西省17个县市753份有效调查问卷的数据,基于林农视角,从林农家庭资源禀赋、林农个体资源禀赋、林业经营资源禀赋和区位资源禀赋等4个维度进行研究假设,运用二元Logit模型探究影响林农林业单户经营模式选择行为的因素。研究结果表明:林地总面积、林产品销售渠道的畅通性、家庭劳动力最高文化程度、林农是否从事林业有关的经营活动、林农的一技之长、林业经营资金的畅通性、家庭人口数量、距离县城的远近和林农文化程度等变量对林业单户经营模式选择行为具有不同程度和不同方向的影响;地理环境、林业经营收入以及林农的年龄、性别、职业等变量对林业经营模式选择行为没有多大影响。因此,建议积极鼓励流转林地使用权、积极拓宽林产品销售渠道并确保林农林业经营资金的畅通。 ⑴ Background——In order to provide guarantee for development of forestry,Jiangxi province began to pilot and deepen the reform of collective forest tenure system from 2004. Therefore,for forestry farmer,the forestry management mode should be adjusted to obtain more economic benefits in forestry. However,single-family business model is still the main model for forestry management. So exploring the possibility and inevitability of single-family business model have great sense for forestry farmer.⑵ Methods——This research selected 17 key forestry counties( including Chongyi county,Dexing,etc.) in Jiangxi Province as the survey region. In survey region,a total of 754 questionnaires were dispatched,and 753 valid questionnaires were obtained. Base on the philosophical principle of internal and external,combined with the basic situation of forestry development in China,15 specific variables were formulated from 4 dimensions. The forestry farmers' choice behavior of single-family business model is dependent variable. The binary Logit Model was used to analyze the influencing factors through SPSS18. 0.⑶ Results——Analyzing the influencing factors of family location resource endowments,the geographical position of forestry farmers' home has no significant influence on forestry farmers' choice behavior,but the distance has a great impact. From the perspective of individual resource endowment,the factors as age,sex and occupation have no significant influence on the choice behavior. The education level of forestry farmers is significantly correlated with the choice behavior of single-family business model( at the 10% level). Forestry farmers are whether engaged in forestry-related activities have an impact on the choice behavior( at the level of 1%).From the perspective of forestry farmers' household resource endowment,the number of family population has a significant positive effect on the forestry farmers' choice behavior of single-family business model. From the perspective of forestry management resource endowments, the openness of forest management funds and product sales channels have significant correlation effect on single-family business model. The single-family business model with clear forest management funds is 0. 399 times as many as the poorly managed households. The smoothness of the sales channel of forest products have a significant effect on the forestry farmers' choice behavior of single-family business model.⑷ Conclusions and Discussion——Base on the perspective of forestry farmers,the influencing factors of selecting behavior of single-family business model were the total area of the forest land,the skill of the forestry farmer,the openness of forest management funds,etc. The influencing factors as geographical environment,forestry operating income,the gender of forestry farmer and so on have no effect on the single-family management model of forestry. Above all,in the premise of the ownership of forest land unchanged,government should actively encourage the farmers to take a variety of ways to transfer the right to use forest land then achieve the purpose of expanding the forest management area. Meanwhile,forestry farmers should actively expand the forest product sales channels,flexibly use the previous marketing method and ensure the smooth flow of forest management funds.
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2017年第4期23-28,共6页 Issues of Forestry Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71563016) 江西省研究生创新基金资助项目(YC2016-S197)
关键词 林农 林业单户经营模式 选择行为 影响因素 forestry farmer forestry single-family business model choice behavior influencing factors
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