In the lunar May of 404 AD, Tao Yuanming went to Jing Kou and to be a staff officer of Liu Yu. At the same time, Wang Hong also worked for Liu Yu. The two men's first meeting should happen at this time. However, the historic record says that Wang Hong "wanted to know him but could not get him contacted" at the end of the year 405, this is not accurate. Due to their different political attitudes, Tao refused to become a government official and to meet with Wang Hong any more, this is what the "could not get him contacted" means. Wang eventually managed to meet Tao on the road with a small trick. After that, Tao Yuanming only kept a private contact with Wang without betraying his political standard, which is a principle of many adherents of the former dynasty at that period of the political transition. This study can also proof one of Tao' s farewell poem related to Wang is not a fake. The relationship between Tao and Wang demonstrates Tao's political integrity.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
Tao Yuanming
Wang Hong
adherents of the former dynasty