In the history of China-US relations from the 19th century on,there was no lack of figures who combined the roles of scholar,diplomat and cross-culture communicator,such as Samuel Wells Williams,William Woodville Rockhill,John Leighton Stuart,etc.However,the changing times meant Reinsch’s experience in these roles was unique.His border-crossing experience epitomized the American scholars who engaged in politics during the Progressive Era.As a scholar,Reinsch’s academic thinking provided theoretical support for the US Far East policy at the beginning of the 20th century,and he exerted academic influence on China-US relations through the American Political Science Association(APSA).He worked both as a scholar and a diplomat to handle the crisis in China-US relations during the World War I,which faced him with a dilemma over his own identity.As a cross-cultural communicator,Reinsch had a praiseworthy desire to improve communication between China and the US,'helping'the weaker Chinese culture from the stance of a strong American culture,but the result was counterproductive.Before and after becoming ambassador to China,Reinsch and his fellow APSA scholars were active in the China-US diplomatic arena,devoting themselves to establishing China-US relations with a strong academic flavor.It should be noted that the moral values of'equality'and'freedom'that Reinsch advocated were in essence still'Western values'representing the strong American culture.
Historical Research