使用TSZ-6A应变控制式三轴仪对4个不同含水率的稻谷堆进行轴向压缩试验和各向等压压缩试验,由试验数据计算出稻谷堆的修正莱特-邓肯模型的14个参数。试验结果表明:含水率为12.35%、13.68%、15.09%、16.52%w.b.稻谷堆的弹性模量数K分别为167.65、182.98、196.79、199.66,弹性模量指数n分别为0.80、1.17、1.10、0.96,泊松比ν分别为0.204、0.214、0.221、0.268;塑性塌落模量C分别为0.001 2、0.002 7、0.001 0、0.002 3,塑性塌落指数p分别为1.53、1.37、1.64、1.30;塑性剪切屈服常数η1分别为223.31、382.82、207.59、494.54,塑性剪切屈服指数m分别为0.58、0.93、0.76、1.14,势参数S分别为0.334、0.398、0.351、0.306,势参数R分别为1.447、8.330、0.811、-2.016,势参数t分别为2.26、1.07、1.79、2.74,硬化功参数θ分别为0.53、0.48、0.45、0.47,硬化功参数l分别为0.67、0.55、0.63、0.49,硬化功参数α分别为0.30、0.09、0.09、0.12,硬化功参数β分别为0.08、0.28、0.25、0.16。且K、ν随含水率的增大而增大,ν随围压增大而减小,其他参数与含水率无显著性关系。
A constitutive stress-strain equation, formulated from Modified Lade -Duncan Model, can be used to model behavior of grain. In this paper,the 14 parameters of the theory were calculated by using TSZ- 6A type of controlled triaxial apparatus on four different moisture content of grain heap in axial compression test and the isotropie compression test. The test results show that the elastic parameter K of the moisture content of 12.35% , 13.68% , 15.09% , 16.52% ( w. b. ) of paddy were 167.65,182.98,196.79,199. 66, n were 0. 80,1.17,1.10,0. 96, v were 0. 204、0. 214 、0. 221 、0. 268 ; the plastic collapse parameter C were 0. 001 2,0. 002 7,0. 001 0,0. 002 3, p were 1.53,1.37,1.64,1.30 respectively; plastic expansive parameter 7/1 were 223.31,382. 82,207.59,494.54, m were 0. 58,0. 93,0. 76,1.14, S were 0. 334,0. 398,0. 35,0. 306, R were 1. 447,8. 330,0. 811, - 2. 016, t were 2. 26, 1.07,1.79,2. 74,0 were 0. 53,0. 48,0. 45,0. 47,l were 0. 67,0. 55,0. 63,0. 49, a were 0. 30,0. 09,0.09,0. 12, β were 0. 08,0. 28,0. 25,0. 16 respectively. And the K and u increase with the water content,v with the confining pres- sure decreases, there was no significant relationship between moisture and other parameters.
Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association