

The Other Party in Copyright Law:Reconsidering the Role of Copyright Users
摘要 我国《著作权法》第27条"许可使用合同和转让合同中著作权人未明确许可、转让的权利,未经著作权人同意,‘另一方当事人’不得行使",这是著作法条文中为数不多不吝笔墨提到著作使用人的条文。著作权法平衡著作人权益与社会公共利益,而社会公共利益是所有私人权益的总和。我国《著作权法》自1990年9月7日制定以来,以著作权保护为中心,仅有很少的条文是以限制权利、抗辩或例外的方式保留使用人权益。要了解著作使用人在著作权保护制度中的地位,应同时考量消极与积极两种类型的著作使用人。从宪法保护的基本人权和公共利益角度、平衡激励与使用关系角度及经济学角度考察著作使用人权益的正当性,结合我国和美国的判例来完善著作使用人制度中尤为重要的合理使用制度。 Article 27 of China's copyright law write'sWithout permission from the copyright owner, the other party of the contract shall not exercise the right which the copyright owner has not explicitly licensed in the contract', which is one of the few articles elaborating on the copyright users.Copyright law balances the rights and interests of the copyright owner and the public interest which is the sum of all private rights and interests.Since the copyright law was enacted in September 7, 1990, the copyright protection has been its focus, and only few provisions protect the rights and interest of users. From the perspectives of constitutional protection of basic human rights and public interest, of the balance between motivation and proximity, and of the economics, we should investigate the legitimacy of the users' rights and interests with reference to the cases from the United States and China.
作者 赵龙
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第8期24-29,共6页 Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 著作使用人 著作权 合理使用 the use of copyright copyright fair use copyright system
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